21. 5. 2020

Mattoni 1873 invests into first 10 ŠKODA CITIGOe iV e-cars

Following its good experience from the pilot, Mattoni 1873 buys first 10 ŠKODA CITIGOe iV cars fuelled purely by electricity. They will replace the current Škoda Fabie used by sales representatives.

„Ecologic transportation is one of long-term priorities of Mattoni 1873. We transport our products on rail, for example. Electric cars are another solution, which we want to focus on. That is why in spring 2019, we participated in the Škoda Auto pilot and now we are investing into e-cars,” says Alessandro Pasquale, CEO Mattoni 1873.

Due to the cost of the e-cars, the aim of the Company is not to save costs but to ensure cleaner operation. The real benefit lies in sparing 10 diesel cars, thus “saving” 100 mg CO2 per km.

The first batch of e-cars Mattoni 1873 received in May 2020. They will operate in the Ostrava, Olomouc, Brno, Hradec Králové, Pardubice, Praha and Kladno region.

The cars were purchased via operative leasing for 4 years. Their users will be able to use public charging stations, Mattoni 1873 agreed on cashless charging with two providers. At the same time the Company invests in smart chargers, which count the amount of energy while charging from private sources.

Media contact

Andrea Brožová, PR Manager
Mattoni 1873 a.s.
Telefon: +420 721 150 737
E-mail: andrea.brozova@mattoni.cz

Press release in PDF